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It Could Happen to You!

A Word from the Birds

and, their happy owners!

Tell Us What You Think!

Hi, Cathy!

OMG! The box was at my front door and I could smell the freshness a few feet away! When I opened the box, the bag of Herb Salad™ was beautiful and bursting with color and aroma!! What a BIG difference! I am so happy that I got a chance to talk with you, and purchase the Herb Salad™ directly from you. THIS is the quality that I was hoping for ! Hatched!™ eggshell is another impressive supplement! Wow!! Now I see what you mean. I can't wait to feed my parrots and see how they like it. It looks like a superior product compared to everything else out there! Thank you so much Cathy! I'll be purchasing this again, along with more Herb Salad™, in the future. Great stuff!!~ Joe T, Las Vegas, NE

hs-front-label One thing you should know, is my African Gray is a moody bird! When he eats your Herb Salad™, his whole disposition changes! He's more affectionate and loving, almost like a different bird! I look in his bowl and half the herbs are gone! I don't know why, but whatever the Herb Salad™ is doing to keep him mellow and calm, is all that matters to me. I keep that bowl full now!! Thanks again Cathy ~J. Olander, Sweden

I love this product and have referred a few breeders to it. ~Donna, Carlisle, PA

Thank you so much, Cathy! I so appreciate your integrity! ~MD, TX

I just want to thank you for keeping our 5 year old parakeet, Benny, happy and healthy for all these years. Along with a mix of seeds, fresh lettuce, fruit-seed blends, and occasional egg treats, he gets a daily helping of both Herb Salad™ and Hatched!™. Benny has not been sick one day of his life. When refilling his food dish, there is one thing I've noticed – he has consumed every last bit of the Herb Salad™ and Hatched. I have recommended both to all my friends who have birds. Keep up the good work!  ~Marc B, IL

I just wanted to take a minute and thank you for such a fantastic product. It's refreshing to see people who are passionate about what they do and love, and this shows in the quality you put into your Herb Salad™. My flock pick's out what they need, and they have never been healthier. Not to mention they love it. Thanks again for sharing a great quality product. ~Mike H, UT

I am writing to let everyone know how wonderful and miraculous this product is! Twin Beaks® Herb Salad™ saved my bird's life, I am certain of this. My 12 yr old cockatiel had been diagnosed by avian vet "pseudomonas" along with constant and ongoing regurgitation for approximately 8 months. No avian vet was able to diagnose except one 2 1/2 hrs away. With many meds and injections she has finally made it through. We attribute her life to ingesting Herb Salad™ every day of her life during her illness. The vet even admitted he did not know how she remained alive, but I attribute it to this wonderful Herb Salad™ and all of its healing properties. I now give it to her every other day. Besides loving it, the aroma permeates all of the food and she goes for it before the rest of her healthy food. I am grateful I tried this product many years ago. Sincerely, Caryl Baff, DE

Seriously, my birds go crazy for the herbs! They say thank you, too.  ~Melissa H, Alaska

Just wanted to send you a quick but very heart-felt "Thank you!" for your Herb Salad™. I have three little Budgies who absolutely love this stuff! One of my little friends has been on a slow road to recovery with some real health issues (heart defect and immune compromise) and this product is his first "go to" in the mornings. He races me to the feeding dish to get his share. Thank you for a great product that my birds actually eat. ~Lisa D

Thank you so much for your support over the years. Herb Salad™ and Hatched!™ are two of our biggest sellers. ~mlm, GA

Natural Calcium Appreciated!
The birds are enjoying the Herb Salad™ and zooming right through that bag! They obviously needed it. I'm also very excited to tell you how much Hatched!™ Eggshell, the natural calcium, is helping with my nervous hen that I had mentioned to you. She is sooooo much calmer, and I can look at her w/o her beginning to pant and gasp, which I completely give credit to the calcium they are now getting. As you know, calcium is a great "calmer downer". :) They are consuming it at a great rate as well. I'm thinking they were hungry for and in great need of the real stuff. Thank you so much for sending some. It has helped in so many ways. I know they are getting everything they need! ~Euletta S., Texas

"I wanted to leave a positive comment about your Herb Salad™. We ordered this Herb Salad™ awhile back, and I have to say that we are beyond pleased with the product. We specialize in working with and for Eclectus parrots. I heard of your product and thought why not give it a try? The results are amazing!!!!!! I'm back to order a larger amount this time and will be providing this daily in our companions bowls so they can get what their bodies are needing. Each and everyone of the companions here at our rescue/sanctuary LOVES this salad. We tell all our friends about it, and encourage them to get some for their companions as well. Thank you for making such a wonderful, healthy product! We will be making sure that this is a staple food for each companion that comes through our doors!!!!! Sincerely, Kim, Spanaway, WA

"I received the balance of my order on Monday, and thank you for the bonus 4 oz. my parakeet loves the Herb Salad™ and Hatched!™ egg shell." ~Marc O., Harrisburg, PA

"I really like the Herb Salad™ from Twin Beaks®. I have tried others and it is much better in my opinion. I notice my youngsters eat much more than the parents so I am thinking the older ones have built up their necessary need and are more picky but the babies are getting their systems built up with it and crave it more. They waste very little compared to other brands." ~Dorothy M., New York

"After 54 years of breeding birds, I finally found a food for them that does everything, and they love it! It medicates, they no longer pick themselves. I have not one sick bird and I found none dead in over a year and a half. This food is known as Herb Salad™. You won't be sorry when you use it." ~Fred Eggert, Evergreen Aviaries, Chicago, Illinois

I just wanted to give you some great news about the Herb Salad™ I ordered from you. Since my parrotlet has been on the Herb Salad™ he has not featherpicked. His feathers on the top of his wings, chest and back are almost in. Now I will be concentrating on getting his feathers nice and dense. I am sure that eventually this will happen. It's because of the Herb Salad™ I'm sure of it! ~Amy H., NM

I am going to definitely recommend the Herb Salad™ to anyone that I know of who owns a pet bird. One day I was in a local petshop here in town and I told them about the Herb Salad™. She said to me "Herb Salad™ for birds, I never heard of it". She was totally amazed, who knows maybe she'll start carrying it in her store as well. All I know is I'll never stop giving it my bird. It's there for free choice, and he often dips into the dish and eats it. ~Carol B., CO


Rockys Story: An Herb Salad™ Miracle
Rocky was a rehomed two year old Eclectus. When he came home everything was fine, there seemed to be no underlying health issues. After a couple of months things started to change and I became very concerned. Although Rocky was tested for PBFD before he came home as the condition got worst I was questioning the results. With some great assistance from the place where Rocky came from I was able to get him retested at no charge and the results were still negative and things were getting worst. rocky After taking Rocky to my avian vet it was determined that he was suffering from severe dry skin and dry feathers caused by bad diet and lack of bathing by his previous owner. This caused the feathers to break instead of come out at the base, as you can see in the picture it looked like whiskers on his face. After reviewing his diet the vet gave him omega 3 fish oil to be mixed with his fresh foods and he adjusted his basic daily diet with me. All this seemed to be working but the results were very slow, something was still missing. Upon placing an order for supplies with the place where Rocky came from they asked how he was doing and I told them about the issues he was still having. They sent me a portion of Herb Salad™ and said to try it and see if I would get some results. When I looked at Herb Salad™ I said what bird is going to eat dry herbs but I was wrong as you can see from the pictures. According to Herb Salad™'s™ description, a bird will eat what they need to help with what ails them. After Rocky eats his Herb Salad™ he will leave what he doesn't rockyneed and will not go back to the dish unless he knows more has been added. Rocky results began improving immediately. His old feather shafts started coming out and his new feathers began to appear and he started to look like the Rocky we took home. This whole process took about sixteen months but the results were worth it both appearance wise and health wise most important of all. I definitely recommend Herb Salad™ to anyone who has a bird with issues like Rocky or just as a part of any birds diet because they know what they need and will benefit from the natural healing that these herbs offer. ~Rocky is definitely smiling again ~Ray T., New York

Hi Twin Beaks,
I'd just like to thank you for making such an amazing product so easily accessible. ~Jake J., WA

One of my 7 cockatiels was recently diagnosed with Lymphoma, and has been on quite the concoction of medication in the last few months. I was concerned about the damage that the medication was doing to his organs, and came across your website while browsing the web for an organic, herbal supplement that I could offer to try and combat some of the side effects of his drugs. I ordered your Herb Salad™ from Healthy Bird in N.B., Canada, and couldn't be happier with the results that I've been seeing since offering it to my birds each day. My healthy cockatiels all enjoy it, but I'm absolutely gobsmacked at how much my sick little guy is enjoying his herbs. When he's not on my shoulder, he's IN his herb bowl digging around and picking out what he fancies. Since I started offering it, I've noticed a drastic improvement in his beak and feather condition, his appetite is like nothing I've ever seen before, and overall he just seems much happier. This, in turn, makes me happy given what he's been going through recently. My avian vet is amazed at how well he's doing and how his condition is actually IMPROVING, despite having cancer. I credit you guys wholeheartedly. I recommend Herb Salad™ to every bird owner I know, and I am going to be buying and offering it to my birds every day from now on. ~Thank you so much, Abby, Ontario, Canada

<small>©Copyright 2002-2025 GreenBeaks® Inc. All Rights Reserved</small>

Just had to take the time out of my busy day to let you know that Herb Salad™ pretty much saved my Parrotlets life...Since I brought him hom 8 mths ago, I noticed he was not like other birds. He was very nervous, has a hard time molting, picked his feathers continuously, screamed constantly. It got so bad, as much as I grew to love this little green monster, I was ready to give him up. I went on blogs, websites etc., trying to get advice on what to do...He's been on organic pellets, fresh fruit and veggies, nothing helped. I went to my local Bird shop to have my Parrotlets wings clipped, and they carried Herb Salad™. She told me this product is a must! Well, need I say more??? He absolutely loves it!!!! Dives right in!!!! After a few days, I noticed a big difference. He calmed down alot and he stopped picking his feathers. He seems happier in every way. I will never let this stuff run out. This is a part of his life now. Herb Salad™...Nothing like it! Thank You, Sheryl, PA

Your product is far superior to any other, my birds notice the difference! Keep up the good work. ~Rose, CT

I purchased some Herb Salad™ several months ago and my birds love it.    Thank you so much for making this! ~ Wendy, CA

Just wanted to thank you for the free sample of your Herb Salad™. My parrot loved it and ate every little bit. I haven't been able to get him to eat any fresh greens but he was wild about your mix. I have to say, I offered your free 1 oz bag to my Goffin... scared at first and in about 10 minutes...beak in the bowl, didn't come out for 20 minutes! I hope there are medicinal properties, but just based on his enthusiam... I'm definately a customer! Thank you, thank you! Rebekah and Pope John... (PJ)

I tried it on my cockatiels and they ate it with as much enthusiasm as my finches! Thank you so much for offering samples to new members of the Parrot Finch Forum. I might not have tried your product this soon and my birds would really be missing out.  ~Sara L., Irvine CA

We are breeders of Lady Gouldians and Parrotlets, we use your Herb Salad™ on a daily basis, our birds love it. Roberta and Frank Troffer.

Please advise as to how we can become a distributor as I am convinced that your product is just what we have been looking for. Thank you, Susan S., CA

Could you please send me a sample of your Herb Salad™, I've read great things about it and I'm interested in trying it. Thanks so much. ~Connie D, NJ

I was searching around on diet information for my Gouldians, and stumbled upon a link to your Herb Salad™ site. Could I possibly get a sample of it. If it's as great as everyone says, I'll come back for more. Thanks! ~Katie S, TX

My name is Stanley from Hong Kong, I read the Herb Salad™ article in the Malaysia Bird Forum and know that the Herb Salad™ is so good for all kinds of birds, I would like to ask if you have distributer in Hong Kong or in Mainland China? I really want to try it and to spread out to our place. It is funny that herbs are very popular in China for thousands of years, but no herbs for birds .....anyway please advice how i can get your wonderful Herb Salad™.

Herb Salad™ is popular very much to the birds which I keep. birds eat with pleasure every day. thank you very much.

comments1Cathy, I received the Herb Salad™ today, thank you. Also the extra packet. My two Lady Gouldians were waiting at their apple feeder for me to fill it. Your greens are their Favorite food! I have some before and after Herb Salad™ photos for you... ~Mike and the boys

I have a Senegal parrot that has had runny droppings for some time. Nothing has worked in trying to treat the bird. We had an avian vet speak at our bird club recently. His talk was on natural, holistic, and herb medicines. I tried your Herb Salad™ and now my Senegal's droppings are normal! Ina E., MA

I have been recommended your Herb Salad™ by a member of a mailing list for birds. Are you able to deliver to the UK? I would love to try this product! ~Lauren, UK

By night all their bowls were empty. I searched the bottom of the cages to see how much they had thrown out, I was surprised to see the parrotlets had only thrown out a very small amount.    There was not a trace of it left in the Grey cage. Looks like it is a big hit around here. thank you very much, Sandra, IL

I can't wait to see what else you come out with! Thanks so much, Mary, IN

Outstanding! I just placed another order. The sample you sent is already nearly gone, they really seem to go for it (and it's not like they don't have anything else to eat LOL!!) ~Laura T., LA

Thank Heavens for Herb Salad™. My Rosy Bourke Hen was on the floor of her cage, shivering and feathers in disarray. I called my Avian Vet late Saturday evening, only to find out she was away for the weekend. I set up by "hospital lamp", put down food and water along with about an ounce of Herb Salad™. About 0500 Sunday, I heard a horrible screech and ran out to find my hen still crouched down, but an egg sitting on the cage floor. I continued to feed the hen Herb Salad™ and she is continuing to improve. Please send me two more pounds. Thanks, Cynthia, IN

Just a note to thank you for the prompt shipping of the Herb Salad™.   This is my third purchase and my birds love it. I think this is a high quality product that helps to keep my pets healthy and happy. Thanks again, Wendy W., AL

I just wanted to say that I ordered the Herb Salad™ a couple weeks ago (one pound) and my birds absolutely LOVE it. I can't believe how fast they are eating it. I had to order another  pound today because I'm already almost out. I'm feeding this to an assortment of finches and canaries. I'm very excited to see how this affects their health, breeding and color. If anyone is wondering about trying it I highly recommend it. ~Debby, NJ

My birds love their Herb Salad™! I have given it to eighty plus birds and their dishes are almost empty daily now. My avian vet told me my birds were healthy, but under weight. Since I put out the Herb Salad™, they are eating much more. We have primarily finch and lovebirds, ten budgies, a pair of rosy bourke and diamond doves. They all seem to chow down on their Herb Salad™ as they feel they need it. Thanks .........Cynthia C., WA

Six weeks or so ago, Cathy DeHaan of Twin Beaks® Aviary told our list about her product called Herb Salad™. She was generous enough to send me a trial packet which I have used in my flight of finches. The product has 20 different herbs which, in combination, are beneficial to your finches as well. I placed a small dish on the bottom of the flight and watched the finches go to it as quickly as they do meal worms. Great product! ~Ginny D., Norfolk VA

Since my bir have been on the Herb Salad™ and eating a more varied and nutritious diet, I have NOT LOST A ONE!!! knock on wood. They have full breasts now - instead of knife thin ones and the cockbirds sing incessantly to their hens. Oh and I did notice that while I got those dang seed moths in the seed, the short grain brown rice, the kibbles, the dry eggfood, everything - guess what? Even having accidentally left the baggie open a few time, ZERO SEED MOTHS in the herbs. I was VERY pleasantly surprised. ~Christine M., KY

I highly recmmend it to all. My birds pick at it daily. It is part of my routine diet provided. I won 7 ribbons at the NFSS region 1 Bird Show Saturday, so you have my accolades. ~Robert D., OH


I met Cathy over the weekend and she gave me a free sample of her Herb Salad™ and I have to say the birds are going BONKERS for it! I will be ordering some from you very soon Cathy. Nice to finally meet you. ~John F., IL

Hi everyone! I just wanted to tell you that the free herbs that Cathy at the Twin Beaks® Aviary sent me has travel all the long way to Sweden and arrived yesterday. One of my Goulds flew right away to the dish and took some herbs. And today I saw another Gould picking herbs (I could really se that she was choosing around the herbs and took what she preferred). And remember my sick cockatiels? Well, they're not sick anymore thanks to you and your fast delivery of Herb Salad™! As I told you before, none of the medicines I tried were working so when it was suggested to me to try your herbs, I thought why not? Boy am I glad I did! ~William A., MT

I have Gouldian finches and would like to make the aviary a more homey place for them but am unsure as to what sorts of plants would be appropriate to put in the aviary. By what way my birds LOVE Herb Salad™. Thank you for making it! ~Martha S., FL

I received the Herb Salad™ today. Thanks a bunch! What a prompt shipment. :)  ~Anna W., AR

I tried your Herb Salad™ on my Quaker and he LOVES it! Thank you for this great product and your time in answering my questions. ~Kim T., Sonoma, CA

I saw your videos of your small caged "aviaries" on utube. Seeing your cages has inspired me to add more plants to my aviary. Thank you so much for the beautiful pictures of your finches and their housing! ~Brendian, Ireland

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