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Copyright Policy

Twin Beaks® Aviary and GreenBeaks®, Inc. are registered trademarks of Twin Beaks® Aviary, physical location PO Box 365 Wiota, Wisconsin 53541. Herb Salad™, Hatched!™ Eggshell, Herb-a-Live Garden™, Natural World Habitats™, Habitat Interiors™, Sprout-it-Out™, Insect Complete™, Oyster Stew™, Best Nest™, Mother Hen's Bakery™, Millet Bouquets™ Monster Mash™ and Three-Hens-in-a-Tub™ are trade and service marks of Twin Beaks® Aviary, hereby claimed as trademarks by virtue of established use. Copyright and claim of trademark by Twin Beaks® Aviary, 1998-2002, 2003-2007, 2008-2012, 2013-2017, 2018-2022, 2023-2027. Copyright and claim of trademark by GreenBeaks®, Inc. 2009-2013, 2014-2018, 2019-2023, 2024-2027
All images, designs and intellectual property pertaining to Herb Salad™, Hatched!™ Eggshell, Herb-a-Live Garden™, Natural World Habitats™, Habitat Interiors™, Sprout-it-Out™, Insect Complete™, Oyster Stew™, Best Nest™, Mother Hen's Bakery™, Millet Bouquets™ Monster Mash™ and Three-Hens-in-a-Tub™ are protected by a compilation copyright held by Cathy DeHaan dba Twin Beaks® Aviary.
Where permission to use has been granted, the content appearing on GreenBeaks®, Inc. and Twin Beaks® Aviary websites, as well as promotional material supplied by us, is protected by copyright and to be used for the express purpose of promoting our businesses and products.
Where permission to use has been granted, any copies and reproductions of our intellectual property, images and graphics, must remain unaltered. You may not remove any ©Copyright found on any image, photography, design or intellectual material.
Protected by copyright is the description, photography, graphics and intellectual material used in the packaging of any GreenBeaks®, Inc. or Twin Beaks® Aviary product, and their use is strictly prohibited.

We will take legal action against any individual using our trademarks or service marks, or willfully, with fraudulent intent, removes or alters any notice of copyright appearing on a copy of our protected material.

If you believe that content from our websites has been copied and used in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please Notify Us

Copyright Infringement Laws
Permission to Use


The content contained on this website, including intellectual property, graphics, images, opinions and recommendations, is provided for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose your pet's health problems or take the place of the medical care provided by your veterinarian. We're happy to assist you, but we urge you to speak with a veterinarian before contacting us.
Statements made, or products sold through this website, have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any animal from disease.
We link to sites operated by third parties and have no control over these linked sites. They have their own business practices, return policies, cookie and privacy policies, independent of Twin Beaks® Aviary and GreenBeaks®, Inc. These linked sites are only for your convenience and therefore you access them at your own risk. We seek to protect the integrity of our website and the links placed upon it, and therefore, appreciate any feedback on our site and those sites we link to, as well.

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