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Pau d'Arco bark (Tabebuia impetiginosa)

The medicine is made from the Pau d'Arco's inner bark. Indigenous to South America, it grows well in mountainous terrains, especially in Peru and Argentina, high up in the Andes. It can also be found growing in low-lying s in Paraguay and Brazil, where it is thought to have originated. Deciduous in cold climates, this evergreen tree grows to about 125 feet, producing pink flowers. It is valued for its durable wood, as well as for its inner bark, which is collected throughout the year. The tree is not normally cultivated. Here in America, this herb is harvested from trees native to Florida, Mexico, and Central/South America.

Pau d' Arco acts as a blood cleanser, repels parasites and boosts strength and vigor. It prevents and fights Candida, yeast, and other fungal infections. It also treats and prevents upper-respiratory bacterial and viral infections.

Pau d'Arco works as an:
• antibiotic
• antifungal
• antitumor
• anti-inflammatory
• cleansing agent
• immune stimulant
• tonic

The herb is strongly anti-inflammatory, especially in the stomach and intestines and used to treat a wide variety of inflammatory conditions.

It also counters the effects of diabetes and has the ability to lower blood pressure. It is an important natural antibiotic for both bacterial and viral infections, especially of the nose, mouth, and throat. It is also used to treat fungal infections, including yeasts and ringworm.

Most birds will 'mouth' or chew the Pau d'Arco bark in Herb Salad™ rather than eat whole and swallow. Some of our birds will even include it in their nest building materials because of its anti-parasitic properties. ORGANIC Pau d'Arco is an ingredient in Twin Beaks® Aviary's Herb Salad™.

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astragalus barberry basil calendula chickweed cilantro dandelion dill echinacea elderberry fennel garlic kavakava kelp lavender licorice marshmallow milk thistle mint oatstraw oliveleaf paudarco plantain redclover rose spirulina strawberry thyme wheatgrass wormwood yarrow yucca

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