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Spirulina (Arthrospira plaetensis)

Spirulina is a simple one-celled microscopic blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria). Spirulina is cultivated worldwide. Under a microscope, spirulina appears as long, thin, blue-green spiral threads. The odor and taste of spirulina is similar to seaweed. Spirulina can be found in many freshwater environments, including ponds, lakes, and rivers. It thrives best under pesticide-free conditions with plenty of sunlight and moderate temperature levels, but it is also highly adaptable, surviving even in extreme conditions.

Spirulina promotes digestion and bowel function. It suppresses bad bacteria like e-coli and Candida yeast and stimulates beneficial flora like lactobacillus and bifidobacteria. Healthy flora is the foundation of good health and it increases absorption of nutrients from the foods we eat, and helps protect against infection. Spirulina builds healthy lactobacillus, aiding assimilation and elimination and relieving constipation.

Spirulina is often deemed the most nutritionally complete of all food supplements, containing a rich supply of many important nutrients, including protein, complex carbohydrates, iron, and vitamins A, K, and B complex. It also has a high supply of carotenoids such as beta carotene and yellow xanthophylls which have antioxidant properties. It is rich in chlorophyll, fatty and nucleic acids, and lipids. Spirulina has countless uses as a supplement for maintaining good health and for preventing diseases. About 60% of dry weight spirulina is protein, which is essential for growth and cell regeneration. Spirulina provides iron, vitamins A (in the form of beta carotene), B complex, D,and K.

Iron is essential to build a strong system, yet it is one of the most common mineral deficiencies. Spirulina is rich in iron, magnesium and trace minerals, and is easier to absorb than iron supplements. Spirulina is the highest source of Vitamin B-12.

Spirulina is the richest beta carotene food, with a full spectrum of ten mixed carotenoids that work synergistically at different sites in our body to enhance antioxidant protection. Eating beta carotene rich foods provides real anti-cancer protection. Synthetic beta carotene has not always shown these benefits, and research has shown that natural beta carotene from algae is far more effective. Natural is better assimilated and contains the key 9-cis isomer, lacking in synthetic. As suspected, natural carotenoids in algae and vegetables have the most antioxidant and anti-cancer power.

Spirulina is easily digested and loaded with antioxidants. Beta carotene is good for healthy eyes and vision. Spirulina beta carotene is ten times more concentrated than carrots. Spirulina is rich in gamma-linolenic acid or GLA, a compound found in breast milk that helps develop healthier babies. Moreover, with its high digestibility, spirulina has been proven to fight malnutrition by helping the body absorb nutrients when it has lost its ability to absorb normal forms of food.

Spirulina also increases stamina and immunity levels, and its high protein content helps build muscle mass. Spirulina contains other nutrients such as iron, manganese, zinc, copper, selenium, and chromium. These nutrients help fight free radicals, cell-damaging molecules absorbed by the body through pollution, poor diet, injury, or stress. By removing free radicals, the nutrients help the immune system fight cancer and cellular degeneration.

Spirulina has a completely unique combination of phytonutrients - including chlorophyll, phycocyanin and polysaccharides, that can help cleanse our bodies. ORGANIC Spirulina is an ingredient in Twin Beaks® Aviary's Herb Salad™.

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