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Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

Both the flowers and leaves of the Yarrow plant are eaten. The fresh leaves are used to stop bleeding wounds, treat gastrointestinal problems, fight fevers, lessen menstrual bleeding and better circulation. Scientists have credited yarrow for its benefits relating to almost every organ in the body.
Native Americans used yarrow for wounds, infections and bleeding. Chinese medicine gives it praise for the ability to affect the kidney, spleen, liver and energy channels throughout the body. Animal studies have also shown support for the use of yarrow in cleansing wounds and controlling the bleeding of wounds, cuts and abrasions. Yarrow is categorized as a uterine tonic, which supports the circulation in the uterine.

Yarrow fights bacteria and has an antiseptic action. The bitter parts and fatty acids encourage bile flow out of the gallbladder, known as the cholagogue effect. The free-flowing action improves digestion and prevents and gallstones from forming. It is also a decongestant. Yarrow contains a drying effect and seems to improve coughs and sinus infections with sputum formation. As an astringent, yarrow is helpful with allergies where nasal secretions and watery eyes are caused by molds, dust, pollen and dander. Yarrow is also known to cause sweating in cases of flu, fevers and colds, helping to cure simple infections.

Yarrow is also beneficial as an aid in healing skin conditions. The oil found in the yarrow has been used to treat arthritis. It promotes good digestion by helping in the secretion of enzymes and digestive juice thereby increasing appetites. Yarrow also treats diarrhea. ORGANIC Yarrow is an ingredient in Twin Beaks® Aviary's Herb Salad™.

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astragalus barberry basil calendula chickweed cilantro dandelion dill echinacea elderberry fennel garlic kavakava kelp lavender licorice marshmallow milk thistle mint oatstraw oliveleaf paudarco plantain redclover rose spirulina strawberry thyme wheatgrass wormwood yarrow yucca

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